The First Post - Naunidh

Lets start this blog with a technical flavor, I spotted these interesting languages on net today,

- Jython
These days anything that starts with 'J' is associated with Java, and this is also true for Jython. It’s a pure Java implementation of Python language. Seems to me that Java is becoming more and more 'geeky' (the way C-guys would put it).

Rush, check it out on And yes it’s a seamless integration. I will try some more complicated scenarios and report if anything is a miss.

- Groovy

This doesn’t start with 'J', but who is stopping it from being the most talked about scripting language for Java.


Naunidh Singh Chadha


Hatchepsout said…
Thank you for having read my article about alternative therapy and for your remarks. In fact I am a medical student who chosed english as an option and we have to work through this blog to answer our teacher. Don't hesitate to leave me comments and to correct my mistakes ...If you want,of course !
Cordially !

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