Vim 7 !! Launched
Finally after a long wait Vim 7 was launched on May 8, 2006. (Announcement) The latest version boasts of many cool additions and improvements. The best one being the new tabbed interface and in built spell check. I installed the 7+ MB installations on my PC as soon as I could get my hands on it. Let us say that now I love vim7 more than its previous version. Tabs - long due overhaul With desktop/taskbar space becoming a precious commodity, tabbed interface was bound to come to Vim. Though it took some time to come. To enable tab support you need to start vim with -p argument. After that things are cool. Working with tabs is relatively simple. Its as easy as using split. Use tabnew - to open new tab tabf filename - to open a file in a new tab Ctrl + PgUp, Ctrl+PgDn - Browse between tabs That’s it, there are many more options check the help files, but these will get you started. There is nothing against this feature, except if the default behavior of a file opening in a new vim instance ...